Membership Benefits
Being a member of PRAM offers many professional and personal benefits. Just a few include:
Professional development and networking through monthly chapter meetings, state workshops, annual state and regional conferences.
Networking at each event allows members to meet fellow PR Practitioners, share best practice and make valuable industry connections.
Job bank found on this website is available to all members to post job openings or resumes if looking for employment or internship opportunities.
Recognition for professional endeavors through PRAM's Prism Awards and SPRF Lantern Awards programs.
Leadership at the chapter and/or state level through various appointed committee positions or elected board positions.
Accreditation through a national program to recognize the best public relations practitioners in our profession, recognized by the “accredited public relations” practitioner (APR) designation.
To qualify as an Active, Associate, Corporate or Student member of PRAM, applicants must meet the following requirements below. Interpretation of this requirement and membership acceptance is at the discretion of the PRAM Northeast Board of Directors, which shall be guided by the nature of the applicant’s occupational duties if responsibility for public relations activities is not indicated by the applicant’s job title. The board shall be guided by the precepts of the association as stated in the association’s constitution and by-laws.
Membership Categories
Active Member: To meet the requirements for active membership in PRAM, an applicant must be of established professional standing in a field with interest in the practice of public relations or a member of the academic community who provides instruction in the field. Applicants should spend at least 50 percent of their work time performing public relations duties/instruction or be solely responsible for the public relations function of the organization. Dues are $75 per year.
Associate Member: Associate membership is open to those with in an interest in public relations, but who do not meet the criteria for active membership. This category is usually reserved for vendors who benefit from the ability to network and associate with public relations practitioners. Dues are $75 per year.
Corporate Member: Membership is owned by the business or association, which applies for membership, pays dues and is represented by two employees. The corporation has the authority to appoint a new member if the corporate representatives change employment. Dues are $150 per year for the two employee representatives and $50 for each additional employee.
Student Member: A student member can attend all PRAM events, but shall not be elected to hold any offices in PRAM, nor shall he/she have the power to vote in PRAM. Dues are $25 per year.
Rights and privileges: Each chapter member, regardless of category, shall enjoy all benefits and participation in PRAM, including membership in the PRAM State Association and the Southern Public Relations Federation. Each member, with the exception of student members, who has paid current dues shall be eligible to vote and hold office.
If you have questions regarding PRAM membership, email us at
To Join
Fill out the Membership Application and submit your annual dues.
Or download and fill out both forms below.
Mail to PRAM Northeast President:
Genie Alice Bruce
2105 Englewood Dr.
Tupelo, MS 38801