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PRAM PRism Awards

The PRAM PRism Awards program began in 2003 as a way to honor and recognize outstanding work in the field of Public Relations by professionals within the state of Mississippi. The awards are judged by professionals outside the geographical boundaries of the Southern Public Relations Federation — Mississippi, Alabama, Florida, and Louisiana. A "Best of Show" is awarded as well as a "Judge’s Choice". The highest award honor goes to the PRism winners, followed by Awards of Excellence and Certificates of Achievement.

SPRF Lantern Awards

The Southern Public Relations Federation (SPRF) recognizes outstanding work in the field of public relations through its annual Lantern Awards program. The entries are judged on their individual merit by nationwide PR practitioners. The awards program offers three levels of recognition, including Certificates of Merit, Awards of Excellence and Lantern Awards. From those, the judges also select the Best of Show Award and up to two Judges’ Choice Awards.

Other PRAM Awards

The Public Relations Association of Mississippi (PRAM) recognizes outstanding work in the field of Public Relations through several awards programs presented during the annual state conference each spring. In addition to the annual awards, PRAM recognizes professionals, educators, and students for their overall career contributions. A list of those awards includes the Professional Achievement Award, the Educator of the Year Award, and the Student of the Year Award. Follow this link to view short descriptions of each program, along with links to access more information:

Other SPRF Awards

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